X-OsHA LLC is committed to assist you with osha compliance and maintain a safe workplace.
As a retired OSHA Safety Compliance Officer I am uniquely qualified to assist you in achieving or maintaining a workplace that is in compliance with the OSHA standards, other compliance documents and many industry standards.
Why I am different from other safety consultats
As a retired OSHA Compliance Officer I am unique in that I not only know the OSHA standards, I have first hand knowledge of how OSHA implements them and the nuances of the enforcement polices. Since I was a Compliance Officer, I also understand how the Compliance Officers may conduct themselves on your job site. I have all the same training and experience of the OSHA Compliance Officers.
I am not a large or small consulting firm, it is just me working from a home office in my basement. When you bring X-OSHA in to help you, you get me, not an employee or a contracted consultant. When you call my business phone, it is I that will answer.
Because I work by myself, I have very little overhead and do not keep a timeclock of phone call questions and I do a lot of research and work in the background without billing and I will not try to up-sell. I will always tell you the truth of what to expect from OSHA and what you need; do not fall for those consulting companies who try to scare you into using them.
I live in Kaufman, Texas and will travel wherever and whenever needed.